Game of Life

Game of LifeWe used GPT 4, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI, to create a website that simulates Conway’s Game of Life. Conway’s Game of Life is a fascinating example of a cellular automaton. It’s a game that takes place on a grid of cells, where each cell can be in one of two…

Mortal Engines

Project Details Based on and built from an impementation of The Aviator, this game is a proof of concept 3D game redeveloped using a javascript based engine. It contains a leaderboard allowing players to compete against each other. Players must collect fuel and dodge obstacles to reach the highest level possible. Elements of the game…

Heaven Falls

Project Details Heavenfalls is a proof of concept 3D game redeveloped using a javascript based engine. It allows players to roam around a progressively generated forest. It is a survival game with day and night simulation. Players must scavenge, build and survive to reach the edge of the forest. Imagine waking up in a forest.…